Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Michael Feeley Author Interview...

How important is research to you when writing a book?
My books are written as a result of either personal experiences (usually paranormal) and also as a result of deep research into esoteric subjects.  It is really important to learn for yourself and to look into things rather than take the word of another as truth. When I write, especially for my latest book about the religions of the world, I evidence what I have written and could happily and easily go into a room of priests and clergy and stand my ground, evidence speaks loudly and fact gives you the confidence needed to do it!

What makes this particular genre you are involved in so special?
The genre that I specialise in deals with the deliberate concealment of truth and knowledge from the masses in order to gain an advantage over them.  What I do is expose this and inform people of the systems that enable this to happen to them.  This is self-empowering and when it realised their world changes for the better. Knowledge is power!

Do you think writers have a normal life like others?
I think that writers are normal people who decide through creative tendencies to want to inform people of what they have either experienced or know.  They use the audible manifestations of thoughts (abstract concepts) which are words in order to express this. I suppose that normality depends on what it is that the writer is writing about, if like me it is about personal paranormal experiences and the obtaining of ancient secret and hidden knowledge it can lead you away from the normality of society and therefore at times is can be difficult to feel normal.

What is your take on the importance of a good cover and title?
The cover and title of your book is the shop front that you want people to enter. As visual beings we favour optic images and striking and intriguing titles and this is the first thing that anyone will see. They don’t necessarily know you or know about your work so it’s a small window of opportunity to occupy a split second of their time.

Do you attend literary lunches or events?
I have been in recent talks with local libraries to do just that so we’ll see what develops. However I have taken part in Tv shows such as the BBC, Channel 4 and a few independent satellite shows and documentaries. I have also been on national talks and on the Radio in both the UK and USA. I am also a regular columnist for online paranormal magazines and enjoy any platform which enables me to reach out to people.

Tell us about your writing style, how is it different from other writers?
I served for 17 years as a front-line police officer in the UK and my writing style has been influenced to an extent by this. I am factual based but succinct and to the point as I needed to be with my police evidential writing.  I don’t tend to labour a point but I cut to the chase and provide evidence for what I have said without losing poetic license and fluent expression.

Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
Yes, everything that I have ever written about, whether UFO/paranormal happenings, to ghostly/poltergeist activity to seeing apparitions of historical famous people and much more it all involved what has happened personally to me. I also go into detail as to what it means to both myself and on a much wider planetary level too.

Is there anything you are currently working on that may intrigue the interest of your readers?
Yes, I have just released my latest book entitled “It Has Served Us Well; This Myth Of Christ” which details how religious characters and stories such as Jesus and Moses were never real people that they were metaphors for a planetary and genetic synergy we know as ‘Medical Astronomy’.  It is an eye opening and revolutionary book that blows open all the mistruths of our past and present! For anyone who likes Dan Brown and the Da Vinci code this is a must for you and it’s real!

Did any of your books get rejected by publishers?
Yes, nearly all of them due to the specific nature of them that I was told was very interesting and unique but ‘Not for our lists’.  It is difficult when you have a message that is not the usual mainstream subjects but perseverance is key.

Do you reply back to your fans and admirers personally?
I wouldn’t use the terms of admirers/fans as it seems to put me above them when everyone is equal. But yes, any message, any question sent to me gets an answer. I spend a lot of time doing just that from those who wish to access the information I have learned or have personally experienced.

What is your view on co-authoring books; have you done any?
Yes, I have co-authored several books with my wife.  I think that it’s valuable to combine knowledge and experience for the betterment of the work. I guess problems arise when you are not on the same hymn sheet and have different viewpoints, but this has never been an issue for me.

What is that one thing you think readers generally don’t know about your specific genre?
I think generally because of many generations of indoctrination of the minds of the public they simply don’t realise that there is an agenda against them from the very people they entrust to take care of their interests.  My genre aims to inform them otherwise!

Which writer’s work do you believe most resembles your work?
I would say that in content Dan Brown most resembles what I too write about which is secret knowledge and symbology as a hidden language of the initiates dating back to the mystery schools of Egypt. Whereas Dan writes as a fiction I write them as non-fiction, which they really are, with evidence for the subject matter.

Although all books say that all the characters in the book aren’t real or related, but are they really all fictional and made up?
For my latest book “It Has Served Us Well; This Myth Of Christ”which was taken from a quote by Pope Leo x,  I am saying that the bible and other religious books are full of fictional people and deliberately made up, so in this case definitely.

You don’t have to be a writer in order to be an author – how true is that?
It’s one thing to write something down on a piece of paper and it’s another to be an ‘Authority’ (Author) on your subject. One requires deep knowledge of your subject and one doesn’t and I think the two can be a distance apart.

How big of a part does music play in creating your “zone”?
Music is a vibration that relates and reacts to a similar vibration like ourselves; your vibe attracts your tribe.  Music can lift us and inspire us and that is certainly the case for me, lyrics are words and they touch and penetrate areas indefensible to octave waves.

Have you ever turned a dream or a nightmare into a written piece?
Yes, the first chapters of my first book was about when I and my wife relived, or was at least shown in an animated way, the death of a teenage girl from Victorian England who had been a spirit attachment in both our energy fields for a considerable time, a waking nightmare and very real.

How hard was it to sit down and actually start writing something?
For me not very hard at all, I tend to let my mind drift and I get words, almost like a channelling, that start off the passage or chapter and the rest just follows in an orderly queue.

Writers are often associated with loner tendencies; is there any truth to that?
I can only answer that from my prospective. I am happy alone and I write better in solitude and my work which is very much a far cry from mainstream work often puts me in a place of isolation from many orthodox views and teachings.

What, according to you, is the hardest thing about writing?
For me as a non- fiction writer the hardest part can be the discipline it takes to actually stick to the subject at hand. It is easy to go off in many different tangents, as the evidence wants to take you there, and before you know it you turn around to see that the coastline has gone.

Any advice you would like to give to your younger self?
Enjoy being young, you can’t buy experience you have to live and learn and that then naturally turns into wisdom.

 Do your novels carry a message?
Yes, you are great; you are universal brilliance in a bottle sized human body. You have so much more to offer than to be born, work all your life and pay taxes and then die.  Rise up and be counted!

"It Has Served Us Well; This Myth Of Christ"   Michael's new and revealing book!

Monday, 21 November 2016

The Annunaki

By Michael Feeley

It has been scientifically proven that many thousands of years ago the human race went rapidly from Homo-Erectus to Homo-Sapien at a pace much faster than evolution should have allowed, if the evolution theory is correct which I don’t actually subscribe to.
Many of the world’s most advanced societies spoke publically giving exoteric explanations for life and reality but they kept back much knowledge of esoteric content from the masses and this was the basis of the world’s religions and false teachings that are still prevalent in this modern era with fake history, false icons and saviours and alike.  
Much of this secret knowledge revolves around the body universe (human body) and how it relates to the macrocosm which is the universe itself, astronomy and medical astronomy and its micro-macro connection. In recent years an author and public figure by the name of Zacharia Sitchen emerged and became famous throughout the UFO and Alien genre with his interpretation of the Sumerian scrolls which spoke about an alien race called the Annunakki who travelled on Planet X, Nibiru and settled on planet Earth to mine for gold which was to heal the hole in the atmosphere of their own planet. 

I think that Sitchen has done what many of those in the know have done before him and that is to mislead humanity in order to cover up a much greater truth, the brilliance that is ourselves, which has been the plan for eons of time. I know that aliens exist, I have seen their craft, I have seen them walking amongst us and stood only a few feet away from one of them, I understand that in a universe as vast and as full of life as ours there are other races of life out there and more importantly they are here with us on Earth itself, for many different and opposing reasons.
But for now let’s analyse just some of the most famous and prominent features of the Sitchen translation and look at how that actually relates genetically.  To begin with let’s look at Planet X, Nibiru; the so-called 12th planet.
“The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object which certain groups believe will take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru” (dictionary definition)

This was supported by Sitchin but when we look at Egyptian astronomy they refer to the planet Venus as Neb-heru which is a striking similarity and since these cultures shared belief systems whereby only the names were changed this makes it even more relevant.  Now moving onto the Annunaki  themselves.  The main characters of this story are Enki and Enlil the sheti, the snake brothers, which putting it simply in genetic terms is the double helix of human DNA, as they twist into a serpent shape. This also extends into the Ida & Pingala, the two nerves beside the human Brain known as the White & Black serpent, emitting electrical and magnetic energy, positive and negative charge, the Prana, life force. In the story Enki was positive and Enlil was negative. Ida & Pingala are also connected to the Sun and Moon and Sitchen stated that the Moon was brought to its current location by the Annunaki.

The Moon keeps the Earth at its 23.5 degree tilt, acting as a planetary stabiliser which in turn keeps the oceans as a liquid, maintains a consistent life-supporting global temperature and causes the 4 seasons. The Moon has the same isotopes as the Earth and was therefore created at the same time in the same area of space with the same materials, so therefore it was not brought here. Without the Moon there would be no life on Earth and since Sitchen states that the Annunaki found life on Earth when they arrived, this aspect of his translation is not consistent with scientific fact.

The ruling God of the Sumerian story is Anu which is really the ‘ultimate physical atom of creation’ this could take us onto the biblical story of Adam (atom) and nuclear fission, the separating of the atom into the even (Eve), but that’s for another time, but suffice to say the whole Adam & Eve story is taking about genetics too and not real people.
 Naki means to alter or change something for the better, so therefore putting the word Annunaki together it means changing or altering the Atom (DNA) for the better.  It is really taking about DNA and genetics and not physical people just like the biblical characters are metaphors, such as Jesus, and not real people either. I can subscribe to the fact that human DNA has been tinkered with and that some people are even today part of a hybrid plan but I am dealing with the Sitchen interpretations of the scrolls themselves which have many different interpretations.
Sitchen also mentions the face on Mars which does exist but he claims that it was a character and leader of the Annunaki called ‘Alalu’ who was built to face Earth, below the face is meant to contain his tomb.

I don’t know about that but what I can state is that mathematically the grid latitude of the face is 4523.893421 which divided by square root 2160 (significant in mathematical coordinates of Stonehenge and also the Zodiac transit) = 97.3386882 which is the diameter of Stonehenge in Wiltshire,UK. Therefore who ever built Cydonian city on Mars, the location of the face, knew about one of the UK’s most famous and sacred monuments and it gave its grid/map coordinates for others, maybe even inter-dimensional travellers, to find. This is also true of the Pyramids on Mars and those on Earth, not least in Egypt, with a mathematical connection that has travelled through space.
We are not alone, never have been and not even today, we belong to a galactic community that most will never know exists as they tune into their own reality source, mainstream news.
Best wishes

The Invisible Secret World


Imagine an invisible prison, a prison that has no walls and no gates and yet no one try’s to escape for the simple reason they don’t know that they live in a prison. Imagine a race of beings so great they are the universe incarnate with all its infinite energy and atomic particles and genetic makeup and yet they have not one clue of their greatness because it has been hidden from their consciousness for generation after generation.  
Then come to the realisation that I am referring to planet Earth and the human race, yes ourselves and our home, but how?
Since the dawn of our history knowledge and wisdom has been seen as a gift and not a right and as such only the privileged few have been entitled to it, likened to a seed beneath the ground concealed as it grows sprouting in only the minds of the few. The masses on the other hand deliberately kept in the dark so that this seed of knowledge could never grow in their particular garden, starved of the ‘Light’ another phrase meaning knowledge.
A system put in place so genius and interwoven into the fabric of our reality that those, the minority who see it, are seen by the rest of society as lacking certain minerals when it comes to sanity, the laughing stock to be singled out and mocked and ridiculed and in our recent past even executed as heretics.
Many thousands of years ago an ancient sect who believed themselves to be of higher sanctity than the general populous put such a system in place, they were the Pharisees, which are your modern day high degree masons and infiltrators of global and national governments who rule behind the scenes in the shadow corridors of power, namely the Jesuit/ Zionist sword bearers.
Who knows that every American president has been related to European Royalty and that both are related to the Pharaoh’s of Egypt by blood?  A linear line of genealogy that has guaranteed their position of power and influence, the symbolic ‘Red Carpet’ seen at many awards ceremonies such as the Oscars. As ex-President Roosevelt once said “Presidents are selected, not elected”…
We are faced with a hidden language that is encoded all around us that we never decipher, hidden in corporate logos and brand names and alike and by public mudras that only the initiates can understand.  
Then we are faced with the most genius creation to date, Religion, and its divide and conquer triumphs over humanity as a race of beings even taking us beyond the point of genocide and war in the name of a so called loving God!  Somehow bypassing our ability to think and consider just what it is we’re doing to each other, flicking off the switch of basic humanity and mental rationale, such is its allowed power over us.
Keeping in line with self-aggrandisement the masses have been given false messiahs and idols of worship, a physical storyline to dictate their lives instead of taking ownership and taking appropriate moral actions, choosing to pass the responsibility to another deity to cure all sin and ills which has played right into the hands of the deceivers. It has taken us outside ourselves instead of within which is where our greatness resides, our own Temple (House of God) and Golgotha, the place of skulls where we find the human Brain, the Ark of the Covenant, our cosmic connection.
It is important for a regime intent on the global control of people and resources achieved by ignorance to keep certain information relating to our own greatness away from us for obvious reasons, namely if we all knew how brilliant we really where they would no longer hold claim on us and our lives.  If we took control of ourselves and didn’t need a deity in the sky to rescue us they would have no carrot of reward and no stick of punishment to persuade us to follow them.
Religion is the basis of that control and it is powerful.  People are sold physical people and stories when in fact at a much deeper level of understanding the Bible and alike are really taking about astronomy and human genetics and how they act in synergy under ‘Medical Astronomy’, it is an ascension book, a secret knowledge withheld from us all.
The world is not how we have been brought up to believe, the things we celebrate, the things we do, the things we have for so long believed in are merely a cloud, a distraction, a deceitful lie imposed upon us all for many millenniums by the masters of fabrication.  
There are so many examples of this that I could have shared, but I will highlight just a few in this article.
In the 1500’s the Roman Catholic church, which is in itself a fake Christian front, created what is known as the Cestie Que Vie trust, in effect placing the whole planet in their control by means of that trust, by a ‘Right of Claim’ never challenged. It is symbolised by the ‘Papal Tiara’ the 3 tiered Crown (Vatican Crown). It controls Maritime law which is the law of the land and sea and claims ownership (Ship = a sea/water reference) of all persons, property and salt of the Earth.  Even the United States of America is really a corporation acting under Lex Fori (Law of the Forum - which is Roman Law) under the Potus (President) acting as ‘Vassal King’ (holder of land) answerable to the British Monarchy who are themselves answerable to the Vatican. The Pope’s title is Vicarius Filii Dei which means ‘In Place Of The Son Of God’.
 They created 3 trusts, (1) (Unum Sanctum- Crown of the land) When a child is born he/she loses all benefits/entitlements and rights to land upon birth. (2) (Aeterni Regis – Eternal Crown) When a child is born their birth certificate is sold as a bond (legally enforceable) to the private central bank of the nation of birth and they therefore lose all right to their flesh condemning them to perpetual servitude as a slave. (3) When a child is Baptised parents are handing over the child’s soul to the Vatican therefore removing the child’s right over their own soul and denying them the right to stand as a person only a creature/thing without soul (Lost at sea) which is called ‘Gift of Title of the soul’ the ‘Baptismal Certificate’ which is then held in the Vatican vaults.
The whole legal system is enforcing these trusts and our courts are enforcing Ecclesiastical/Cannon law as they did in the Spanish Inquisition, this also refers to both Maritime law and also Astronomy but that’s for another day.
The world and its systems are not as they seem and I hope that this article has in some way lifted a part of the deceptive veil that encircles us all, but with every person that learns this a new particle of change sweeps across the planet and a small link of a gigantic chain of servitude is eroded from us all.
Best wishes
Michael Feeley


The Night They Came To Visit

The Night They Came To Visit
By Michael Feeley

A night filled of dark matter sporting pockets of eternal light above me, but it was clear and unusually charged like the jousting lance of a brave knight on the back of his loyal stallion. This was to be an unorthodox evening to rival any other that had manifested before it.  Parade over I boarded my police vehicle with my wife as passenger for a night shift with a difference.
Mobile 30 can you make an intruder alarm, the radio crackled and the controller’s voice came through giving the location? On my way not too far away but what will i find there, is it a genuine alarm call, or is it just a regular false alarm?
First to arrive; but nothing amiss, at ground level at least. With other officers present I looked to the sky, a flash of light caused by two juxtaposed shooting stars travelling faster than the blink of my eyes, but these were not shooting stars as their odyssey turned them into warped luminescent dots, a scene from star-trek in my vicinity and not my TV screen.
An eerie feeling hung around the air, we are not in control tonight there is something much bigger in town, a presence that gave us the shivers. Mobile 30 can you attend intruders in a rear garden, the radio crackles again, the same area and I’m on my way as street lights turn off I arrive again, no-one in the garden at all, but the caller is adamant, figures have been seen in the garden walking around. One final look and nothing in sight we leave but as we reached the street outside the callers house, another call comes through from the same person, the intruders are back! But there was nothing again, impossible for an escape we were already there just feet away.
Other calls of an exact nature are now coming in, in the area, but too far away for it to be the same people. The exact same scenario, intruders in the garden, officers arrive, no one there, they leave and further calls are received to say the intruders/silhouettes are back.
Now streets light are turning off, the whole area spanning for miles is pitch black, the sounds of explosions caused by electrical charges are heard all around us one after the other like bombs activating.  Then the most deafening of sounds, a manhole cover is blown out of the road as its circular metal cover, reminiscent of a UFO disc itself, flies through the air but landing safely a short distance away. Now the atmosphere can be cut by a knife, we are definitely not in control here.  Inner senses are stirring like a whirlwind as they detect outsider presences as my energy field meets the dimensionally invisible but my radar has made contact. The electricity board confirmed that they had had 9 underground sub-station explosions that evening which is totally out of the ordinary as they usually expect one if that!
An evening of call after call, incident after incident with nothing to show for it other than the scene from a disaster movie.
Shift over and it’s 7am and we’re on our way home arriving soon after. Sitting at our laptop we contact a local UFO group by email who because of our regular sightings we had spoken to several times before.  We detail all that had happened that night but as we did so our emails disappeared from their folder only to be returned several minutes later like they had been removed copied and then put back, as we witnessed each stage of this process. We had experienced things like this before with the bugging of our landline phone and our mobiles as they began to tap activated by certain key words during personal conversations, confirmed by a phone engineer who found a strange device in the main telephone wire box outside our house, GCHQ a likely culprit.
The UFO group also investigated and spoke with the electricity board who confirmed the same information to them.
Take your mind back to the 80’s movie ET, the landing, the crew disembarking their craft and scurrying around the area on that star-lit night. What if that location had been densely populated, just think how many calls the local police would have received that night, intruders in the garden following unusual activity in the skies. I no longer have to think as I look back on my former career, I have been amongst it and there is a power greater than we know just a micron away, not in a galaxy far far away but a mere frequency outside of our own.
Until the next time
Best wishes
Michael Feeley

There's More Than This

By Michael Feeley

I was born with an open mind, from an early age I knew there was more to existence than this, born to live and to work and pay taxes and die, no, this wasn’t right. It was an innate feeling that seemed to be born with me, recognition of a system already in place that I had unwittingly entered, maybe not for the first time. A shy and almost reclusive child I grew up wanting my own company and my own space, maybe a self-awareness of energetic fields encroaching one another, my bedroom door a force-field of impenetrable power to cut out the world that I didn’t necessarily feel a part of. I knew I was different in my own bubble and cocoon and that feeling has survived the duration of time until this day whereby I still have the same feelings, an incompatibility with the way things are and the way in which people act. If there was to be other worldly existences then why would they want to venture into a hostile land of cut and thrust?
I joined the police service in my early twenties firstly in London and then Birmingham enforcing worldly laws unknowingly serving a system of control hidden within the careful and intricate web of fraud and deceit stemming back to ancient days and the Roman Empire and the Jesuit creation of the Roman Catholic Church who even today own the souls of every human being on Earth due to an ancient trust and right of claim never challenged.
But it was during this time that my awakening was to happen, out of the void came the fulfilment but it wasn’t always pleasant. After a traumatic awakening in 2009 I left my career to begin a new life, the caterpillar from out of the chrysalis.
It was in February of that year that my life was about to change forever and the para was to become my normal as my life purpose was born out of abstract thought and into physical reality. I, with my wife, was to relive the murder of a 14 year old Victorian teenager at around 3am on the anniversary of her passing, as she showed me in animated detail her last moments on the Earth plane as a physical being, suffocated by her step-father who was also a spirit attachment around me, a child stolen from linear time and placed into lateral time beyond the 3D consciousness, unfinished business that prevented her from making that natural journey between dimensions, as I woke up screaming with an unhuman like terror, beyond condolence.  I had suffered partial possession, poltergeist activity and a burden on my relationship as her assailant tried to intervene from the spirit world as i researched the teenager’s death, just as she had requested. Both had been attached to my wife all her life and when we met I also entered into the timeless scene.  It took about 6 months for me to have the courage to switch off the lights at night fearing another visitation, yet another frightening event that had travelled 159 years forwards in time to my time. Although now her story had been told, and business had now been concluded, she had passed to the so called ‘other side’ but scars can take time to heal and I didn’t know if mine ever would, I was a wreck and every sound, every part of my day was a physical manifestation of the deepest paranoia.
The event completely turned my life around in a complete 360 degree circle and now a multi-dimensional reality had entered my awareness, my wife and I were twin-souls it was proclaimed, two aspects of the same energy awakened. From that point on I was about to embark on multiple events of the paranormal and spiritual kind, witnessing first hand a multitude of unorthodox craft in our skies both day and night, cigars floating in mid-air and dimensional gateways opening up in the sky and at ground level before my very eyes as craft emerged and flew off into the sky as the gateway closed behind them.
 One evening whilst at work as a police officer I was involved in what appeared to me to be an actual landing by other-worldly visitors as people reported figures and shadows in their street and electricity sub-stations were exploding at a rate of one every few minutes, which the electricity board themselves could not explain. This was accompanied by an eerie sensation of we are not in control as I saw what appeared to be shooting stars travel across the sky in juxtaposition at warp speeds, which were not actually shooting stars, other events had also occurred complimenting the whole incident which added to my belief.   There are other worldly existences that have been here since the age of time and we can see this in ancient monuments and their planetary and beyond pyramid matrix system of coordinates.
This miracle is also coded number sequences. We are told by the mainstream that our ancient ancestors were primitive and used basic tools to create the fantastic monuments we see today such as Stonehenge and the Pyramids of Egypt. But what they never reveal is that these monuments the whole world over and beyond are connected by Mathematics and for civilisations that never met, or so we are told, that is a great achievement! In fact it is not possible. There has to have been a coordinator with a panoramic viewpoint of Earth and beyond.
Each of these monuments are encoded with the coordinates of all the others, Stonehenge contains the location of the pyramids of Egypt within its own mathematical numbering, the pyramids of Egypt contain the coordinates of Stonehenge, with double PI mathematics; they even contain the latitude and longitude locations of the face on Mars and pyramids in Cydonia on planet Mars itself.  It is a planetary matrix system of great proportions and encoded directions between the great monuments by using the universal language of maths. Even the pyramids of Peru and Mexico and other lesser known monuments; contain the same encoded coordinates too.  They also refer to astronomical events such as the Procession of the Equinox which happens every 26,000 years (25,920 to be exact) For example there are 60 outer-stones in Stonehenge which is a circular monument of 360 degrees. 360 x 60 = 21,600. If we drop the last 0 we get 2160 which is the amount of time each zodiac sign stays at the zenith. 2160 x 12 (12 zodiac signs) = 25,920, the procession of the equinox, the complete circuit of Earth’s axis. 2160 is also within 1 foot of the diameter of the moon allowing for a small margin of error (2159 miles exactly).

In addition to my UFO sightings and experiences Electromagnetic forces (Angels) would visit each day and night and make their presence known and show themselves to me as orbs and masses of energy around me and at my home and beyond as they caused an energetic explosion that lit up the room as they entered, the energy morphed into several shapes before leaving. Gut feelings to go to certain places like a scene from the movie close encounters of the third kind were not uncommon to me as I travelled to those locations to witness non- physical beings approaching myself my wife and friends from all directions, just as I had been shown in my mind’s eye the previous day. I have even stood just a few feet away from a being not of this world but walking amongst us, seemingly Pleiadian in origin. I have also heard the voices of the wind, as they were called by Native American Indians, gentle whispers as the wind passed my ears. There are many other events too that I will share with you all in due course.
This is an introduction into me, i am just an ordinary person seeing, feeling and experiencing first-hand events of this magnitude each day.  Do i have a purpose and do i have a choice?
The experiences continue even to this day; but these days guided research is the way and much esoteric knowledge of the world and the universe and its design has come my way and not by chance, from the origins of religion to the mathematical make-up of the universe and creation itself.
It is progressing me fast down the ‘Rabbit Hole’ and it will take me just as far as i want to go. Just an ordinary person living and acting out a not so ordinary scene in this journey we call physical life, as I observe the reel of my movie spinning and flickering by.
With a shovel in my hands i dig deep.
Best regards
Michael Feeley